Sumitomo Cyclo's Crush, Compact, Repeat
While compacting, shredding, and grinding waste products for over 25 years, Komar Industries, Inc. (www.komarindustries.com) has become all too familiar with the wear and tear of that business has had on its machinery. Dealing with waste management for items as diverse as diapers and cardboard to wood and washing machines, Komar Industries demands a unique reducer that can handle the stress load produced by these applications.
Waste management applications require a durable drive that can withstand not only high shock loads generated during normal operations, but also require less maintenance. Komar Industries machines face unique conditions, often going from full speed and torque to stopping instantly, then immediately changing directions. This action has proven to tear normal planetary reducers apart.
Sumitomo Drive Technologies has provided the solution for Komar Industries' unique concerns. The Continuous Auger Compactor and The Hard drive Auger Compactor, both products of Komar Industries, use in-line Sumitomo Cyclo® 6000 reducers capable of handling a 500% shock load! The Continuous Auger Compactor uses an F-flange Cyclo® (10HP – 75HP) while The Hard-drive Auger Compactor has a Foot mounted Cyclo® (20HP – 25HP) installed.
The rolling action of the Cyclo’s® speed reduction mechanism eliminates the friction and the pressure points of conventional gears and has successfully proven to take on the high shock loads and the frequent changes in direction produced by waste management applications. Komar Industries representative, Mark Koenig said, “The Sumitomo Cyclo® Drives have proven to be nearly indestructible in a difficult application.”
The Sumitomo Cyclo® 6000 series gearmotors are available from 1/10 to 235HP and ratios from 3:1 to 658,503:1. The gearmotors are maintenance-free, lightweight, compact and very rugged with a two-year warranty guaranteeing exceptional performance.