Gearboxes, Speed Reducers, Variable Frequency Drives and More for ANY Application.
Sumitomo Drive Technologies has been trusted for over 130 years to provide quality products and innovative solutions to help our customers solve their complex challenges. This rich history has made us a leading manufacturer of gearboxes, gearmotors, speed reducers, inverters, and control products in a wide variety of applications for leading brands around the globe. Brands count on our industrial gearboxes and speed reducers in every industry from Food & Beverage to Mining to Parcel Handling. Gearbox support from Sumitomo doesn't end after installation. Our experienced Aftermarket specialists are always available to handle gearbox repair, gearbox maintenance questions, and anything else you need for your operation.
Our Gearbox Service and Support Team is Here for Your Operation Needs
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Introducing our New Industrial Control Panels
Our UL 508A industrial control panels are designed to provide efficient, reliable, and safe control of industrial systems across a variety of industries.