Reliability and Efficiency ensure your customers and their bags reach their destinations on time. Sumitomo gear reducers continue to drive the Airport Logistics Industry to new heights.
Airport and Baggage Handling
From moving walkways to boarding bridges to the most complex baggage handling systems - we provide the industry's premium lineup for your application. Sumitomo Drive Technologies offers standard drives as well as custom engineered drive solutions for all types of airport logistic applications. Our gear drives are highly efficient and extremely quiet, ideal for the airport industry.

What separates us from the competition?

Airport Brochure
Injection Conveyor for Scale
Queue Conveyor
90 Degree Merge
Slope Plate Carousel
Pallet Loop Carousel
Baggage Make-up Conveyor
General Transport Conveyor
45 Degree Merge
Power Turns
Spiral Power Turns
Vertical Sorters
Paddle Diverters
Cab Rotate - Loading Bridges
Wheel Drives - Loading Bridges
Cab Lift - Loading Bridges
Cable Hoist - Loading Bridges
Automated Sorters
Moving Walkways
Case Studies
Our speed reducers are proven in millions of installations worldwide and are built to last. They are known among industry leaders as one of the best gear drives available. Take a look at companies like yours who have taken the Sumitomo challenge and tested us on their application.
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The Sumitomo team is here to help! Reach out to us today for further assistance.