
George Richardson, owner of Richardson Adventure Farm, had a carousel that needed an updated gearbox. Due to the gearbox's obsolete design, Richardson had trouble finding a replacement or a gearbox manufacturer who would even come out to look at the issue. Richardson's Adventure Farm needed an expedited order to complete the job in time for Richardson's big surprise birthday party for his granddaughter.


Sumitomo and Richardson Adventure Farm worked with Motion Industries in Gurnee, Illinois to have an expedited order completed. The customer ordered a BBB4 in a Size A to achieve the appropriate gearbox features.

The BBB4 is the most torque-dense right-angle gearbox design available on the market. The ductile iron housing allows for higher radial load in a small, compact design. The smaller size enables the carousel to be fully functional, but still keep the grace it always had. The gearbox is also painted in the Richardson Adventure Farm's signature candy apple red to match the carousel.


The BBB4, with its smaller size, allowed the carousel to be unobstructed and provided it with sufficient torque. The Richardson Adventure Farm was able complete the project in more than enough time for the surprise birthday party, providing many memorable moments for the family.

 The BBB4 carousel installation allowed Sumitomo to be challenged with a new application, which in turn, resulted in the Richardson Adventure Farm being another satisfied customer.